Chairman of the CGAC
Senior Panel Coordinator
Junior Panel Coordinator
Referee Coaching Coordinator
Referee Coach Committee
- Responsible for managing and leading the operations and administration of the CGAC, including the Senior Appointments, Junior Appointments and the Referee Coach Committee.
- Accountable to the members of ACTRRA, through the Executive,
- Reports to the Executive, through the Vice President of ACTRRA, on the operations and administration of the CGAC as requested, or where the Chair believes it is necessary to keep the Executive informed,
- Responsible for ensuring CGAC complies with any relevant legislation, ACTRRA O&Rs, established processes in the operations of the roles and responsibilities of the CGAC,
- Responsible for the overall appointment of Referees and Assistant Referees to sanctioned rugby matches as required by the Union. This includes Referees that may be visiting from other Referee Associations,
- Responsible for the overall operations of the Referee Coaches Committee,
- Liaise with Senior Appointments Coordinator, Junior Appointments Coordinator and the Referee Coaches Committee to facilitate the development of referees and referee coaches across all panels,
- Provide input into the Referee Development nights from the CGAC perspectives,
- Provide the Executive with a list of those Referees who have been promoted or relegated between Referee Panels,
- Provide the Executive with Rugby AU SSS nominations for the 2018 Season, as well as Watch Group Junior Panel Referees who are eligible for the Rugby AU SSS nomination in 2019 and 2020,
- Undertake role as per ACTRRA process for the review / appeals in relation referee performance, coaching, grading and appointments, assisted by a member of the Executive as nominated by ACTRRA Executive,
- Advise the Executive of suitable Referees and Referee Coaches to undertake Rugby AU training program, and
- Advise the Executive match officials for nomination to any Rugby AU requested appointments.
Senior Panel Coordinator
- Reports to the Chair CGAC on the operations and administration for Senior Panel Appointments,
- Responsible for the appointment of Senior Panel Referees to matches sanctioned by the Union (this includes pre-season and post-season matches outside of the ACTRU competition or in addition to the ACTRU competition),
- Provides advice to the Chair CGAC on development opportunities and future direction of the Senior Panel,
- Ensuring compliance with any relevant legislation, ACTRRA O&Rs established processes in the execution of their role and responsibilities,
- Facilitates Senior Pre-Season Seminar, and
- Facilitates Senior Pre-Finals Seminar
Junior Panel Coordinator
- Reports to the Chair CGAC on the operations and administration of Junior Panel Appointments and Grading,
- Responsible for the appointment of Referees and Assistant Referees (where appropriate) to sanctioned U18 Div 2 matches and below, as required by the Union,
- Provide advice to the Chair CGAC on development opportunities and future direction of the Junior Panel,
- Ensuring compliance with any relevant legislation, ACTRRA O&Rs established processes in the execution of their role and responsibilities,
- Is responsible, in consultation with the Referee Coach Committee for the grading of Junior Panel Referees,
- Liaise with the Chair CGAC, Senior Panel Coordinator and Referee Coach Committee, to identify Junior Panel Referees who can progress to the Senior Panel.
- Liaise with Chairman CGAC and the Referee Coach Committee to identify 2018 ARU SSS nominations, as well as the Watch Group Junior Panel Referees who are eligible for the ARU SSS nomination in 2019 and 2020 for focused development during the 2018 season,
- Liaise with the Chairman CGAC, Referee Coach Committee to develop Junior Panel Referees,
- In accordance with ACTRRA Appeals process provide Junior Panel Referees with the opportunity to discuss their performance and progress (can be done in collaboration with the Chair CGAC or member/s of the Referee Coach Committee)
- Provide an updated grading list twice during the season to the Chair CGAC,
- Provide necessary feedback to any individual that requests reasons for their promotion or relegation,
- Facilitate a Junior Pre Season seminar, and
- Facilitate a pre Finals seminar.
Referee Coaching Coordinator
- Reports to the Chair CGAC on the operations and administration of the Referee Coach Committee,
- Responsible for the appointment of Referee Coaches across Senior and Junior Panels,
- Provides advice to the Chair CGAC on behalf of the Referee Coach Committee on development opportunities and future direction of the Referee Coach Committee,
- Ensuring compliance with any relevant legislation, ACTRRA O&Rs established processes in the execution of their role and responsibilities,
- Responsible for the appointment of Referee Coaches across Senior and Junior Panels,
- Liaise with Senior and Junior Panel Coordinators to identify and develop Referees and Referee Coaches,
- Liaise with Chairman CGAC and Senior Panel Coordinators to facilitate ACTRRA Development Meetings,
- Identify Referees and Referee Coaches suitable to undertake development courses,
- Responsible for ensuring that the Referee Coaching Reports Database is kept up to date, and
- Reviewing and providing feedback to Referee Coaches on their reports.
Referee Coach Committee
- Reports to the Referee Coaching Coordinator on the operations and administration of the Referee Coach Committee,
- Provides advice to the Referee Coaching Coordinator and Chairman CGAC on the development opportunities and future direction of ACTRRA Referee Coaches,
- Ensuring compliance with any relevant legislations, ACTRRA O&Rs established processes in the execution of their role and responsibilities,
- Responsible for ensuring all referees are provided with the opportunity (at least once in a season) to be reviewed by a Referee Coach,
- Liaise with Chairman CGAC and the Referee Coach Coordinator to identified 2018 ARU SSS nominations, as well as the Watch Group Junior Panel Referees who are eligible for the ARU SSS nomination in 2019 and 2020 for focused development during the 2018 season,
- Responsible for Senior Panel Grand Final appointments,
- Responsible for liaising with the Junior Panel Coordinator for Junior Panel Grand Final Appointments, and
Red Card/Send Off reporting
All Red Cards or incidents (referee abuse) must be reported on-line through Rugby Xplorer.
Whether it was a junior or senior player that received a red card, it is important that you submit a Red Card via Rugby Xplorer so that the player can be summoned to appear before the judiciary. Players may be handed a further sanction based on your written report.
(All senior players will be expected to attend a judicial hearing and will be excluded from playing until they appear).
At the time of the incident you should record the details so that completing the report is that much easier for you.
Always note the following at the time you issue the red card:
1. Player name, number and team.
2. Approximate time in the game the incident occurred
3. Approximate field position the incident took place
4. Brief details of the incident you saw which led to the send off
It is recommended that you complete your red card report in a word document before completing it in Rugby Xplorer. This will provide you with the opportunity to proof read it (and take advantage of spell check functions). It will also enable you to keep a copy of what you submitted. If there is video and audio of the incident, please ensure that your description is identical to the video and audio.
Ensure that your language is factual, clear and concise.
The Rugby AU Disciplinary Rules outlines the procedures that Unions must follow.
ACTRRA is provided with all the judiciary's written judgments. If you were a referee that red carded a player then you are able to obtain a copy of the written judgment from the ACTRRA President or RDO.
If you were subject to referee abuse and the perpetrator attended a judicial hearing then you will be informed of the outcome within 3 days. You also have an opportunity to appeal the sanction but must contact the ACTRRA President to discuss options first.
ACTRRA Red Card Templates
Here are some example templates to assist you write your report.
ACTRRA Red Card Template - Tip-High-Dangerous Tackle
ACTRRA Red Card Templatet-Match Official Abuse
ACTRRA Red Card Template - Striking
ACTRRA Red Card Template - Generic - Other
Whether it was a junior or senior player that received a red card, it is important that you submit a Red Card via Rugby Xplorer so that the player can be summoned to appear before the judiciary. Players may be handed a further sanction based on your written report.
(All senior players will be expected to attend a judicial hearing and will be excluded from playing until they appear).
At the time of the incident you should record the details so that completing the report is that much easier for you.
Always note the following at the time you issue the red card:
1. Player name, number and team.
2. Approximate time in the game the incident occurred
3. Approximate field position the incident took place
4. Brief details of the incident you saw which led to the send off
It is recommended that you complete your red card report in a word document before completing it in Rugby Xplorer. This will provide you with the opportunity to proof read it (and take advantage of spell check functions). It will also enable you to keep a copy of what you submitted. If there is video and audio of the incident, please ensure that your description is identical to the video and audio.
Ensure that your language is factual, clear and concise.
The Rugby AU Disciplinary Rules outlines the procedures that Unions must follow.
ACTRRA is provided with all the judiciary's written judgments. If you were a referee that red carded a player then you are able to obtain a copy of the written judgment from the ACTRRA President or RDO.
If you were subject to referee abuse and the perpetrator attended a judicial hearing then you will be informed of the outcome within 3 days. You also have an opportunity to appeal the sanction but must contact the ACTRRA President to discuss options first.
ACTRRA Red Card Templates
Here are some example templates to assist you write your report.
ACTRRA Red Card Template - Tip-High-Dangerous Tackle
ACTRRA Red Card Templatet-Match Official Abuse
ACTRRA Red Card Template - Striking
ACTRRA Red Card Template - Generic - Other
Development Nights

Once the season commences, ACTRRA run referee Development Nights on the first Tuesday of every month. Check the News section of the website or the ACTRRA Facebook page (ACT Rugby Referees) for event details. Regardless off your level or experience in refereeing, these night are a great way to develop you knowledge through discussion and video reviews of matches.
2021 Online Development Nights:
11 May 21
08 Jun 21 (and General Meeting)
Previous Development Night presentations are below:
2021 Online Development Nights:
11 May 21
08 Jun 21 (and General Meeting)
Previous Development Night presentations are below: